07872 608 623 info@totalfloors.co.uk

Total Floors

Laminate Flooring Liverpool

Take a look at our laminate flooring options. 

Total Floors

Laminate Flooring Liverpool

Take a look at our laminate flooring options. 

Chelsea Laminate

Laminate flooring is one of the most poplar home flooring options. It is easy to maintain and clean and due to the variety of colours and tones available, it is a popular choice for any room in the home. Our range is one of the best value options on the market and gives you a beautiful modern look while still being affordable and long lasting. 

Choose your Style…

Broadwalk Oak

Loft Oak

Brushed Oak

Premium Oak

Country Oak

Sunset Oak

Feature Oak

Tradtional Oak

All Laminate Flooring £29.99 per square meter

Inclusive of fitting with 5mm Acoustic underlay, quality beading to match the floor and quality thresholds.

Minimum Charges Apply

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07872 608 623



Address (View Location)

1 Orton Rd

LiverpoolL16 6AR



07872 608 623



Address (View Location)

1 Orton Rd

LiverpoolL16 6AR